Page 5 - January 2021 South Florida Hospital News
P. 5
University of Miami Health System
and 4DMedical Launch a Research How to Use the Layered Life
Program Advancing Breakthrough Insurance Worksheet
Lung Technology Your risk exposure to dying may
increase as you age. Your financial expo-
UHealth – the University of Miami sure to dying may decrease as you age.
Health System, the University of How do you know how much coverage
Miami Leonard M. Miller School of you need, how long you need it for and
Medicine, and 4DMedical recently where you should buy it?
announced the creation of the Term life insurance may be a cost-effec-
Functional Lung Imaging Research tive way to cover financial exposures as
Program in the Department of you age and go through life events. With
Medicine’s Division of Pulmonary, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35 and 40-year fixed
Critical Care and Sleep Medicine at and guaranteed term life insurance avail-
the Miller School. 4DMedical is an BY HOWARD
Australian medical technology com- able now, you can layer your risk.
pany and the developer of XV As an example, you could purchase a WOLKOWITZ
Technology, a four-dimensional lung $1M policy for 40 years, $1M for 30 years
imaging technology. and $1M for 20 years for less money than
The Functional Lung Imaging purchasing a $1M whole life policy. If your goal is death benefit pro-
Research Program, 4DMedical’s first tection only, and not cash accumulation. This is a very efficient way
research program in a U.S. health sys- to protect your loved ones.
tem, will use its breakthrough imag- If you go to and print out the Layer Your Life
ing technology to improve treatment chart, I will show you how to determine what you need and for how
outcomes for patients with chronic long you need it. You then can shop on the LifeInsureAssure website
lung diseases. It will define the phys- for the most competitive pricing in seconds from multiple companies.
iological impact of numerous lung-
related conditions such as emphyse- You get to pay for only what you need.
ma, cystic fibrosis, pulmonary hyper-
tension, pulmonary embolism, and lung cancer on respiratory function to improve diag- For more information, call Howard Wolkowitz at (954) 558-3673
nostic approaches and management strategies for patients. for a complimentary consultation.
“We look forward to using this new imaging development,” said Naresh M. Punjabi,
M.D., Ph.D., chief of the Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine at the
Miller School of Medicine. “The fully functional lung imaging capability provided by
4DMedical will be used to achieve deeper insights into disease pathophysiology and help
pave the development of new diagnostic and therapeutic solutions.”
Keeping Out of Trouble –
New 2021 Stark Law Changes
In November, the U.S. Department of Health and
Human Services issued two final rules, modifying
existing policies to assist physicians in transition-
ing to value-based care. Here are the five main
takeaways that a healthcare administrator and
providers must know:
1. The final CMS rule eases unnecessary regula-
tions on healthcare providers and reinforces the
physician self-referral law’s goal of protecting
patients from unnecessary services and more
expensive care.
2. Opens additional avenues for healthcare
providers to coordinate patient care – allowing BY KOMAL S. MIRZA,
providers across different healthcare settings to ESQ.
work together and ensure quality patient care. The
new exceptions permit physicians and other
healthcare providers to enter into value-based arrangements where activities are
legitimate, coordinate and improve the quality of patient care and lower costs.
These exceptions apply regardless of CMS participation.
3. Clarifies and provides guidance on technical compliance requirements,
effectively reducing administrative burdens and costs. This acts in furtherance
of the Trump Administration’s “Patients over Paperwork” initiative.
4. The final rule provides new exceptions which permit non-abusive benefi-
cial arrangements between healthcare providers; such as the donation of cyber-
security technology which safeguards the integrity of healthcare, regardless of
whether the parties have other mutual business arrangements.
5. The new rules take effect on January 19, 2021.
For a more comprehensive outlook on these new laws and their impact on
healthcare, please tune-in to Healthcare Law Partners, L.L.C.’s lunch time zoom
seminar on January 5, 2021 by registering at It is
hosted by South Florida Hospital News and Healthcare Report and it is free.
Komal S. Mirza, Esq. is an attorney with Healthcare Law Partners, L.L.C.
This article is intended for its informational value and is not legal advice.
For more information or to schedule a free consultation,
please visit
South Florida Hospital News January 2021 5