Page 4 - Mastermind Numeracy Skills-1
P. 4

Key Features
                                                                            Key Features

                                                                      Numbers for Colouring
                   Let's Sing
                                                                      It is a fun and engaging way for young learners to explore
                   In this sec on, a rhyming poem is provided to help learn
                   the  names  of  colours,  shapes,  and  numbers.  Through   numbers through art. Each page combines coun ng with
                                                                      colouring,  helping  children  recognise  numbers  while
                   playful  words  and  cheerful  rhyme,  learning  becomes  a
                                                                      developing crea vity and fine motor skills. Perfect for early
                   joyful  me!"
                                                                      learners, it makes numbers enjoyable and memorable!

            Fun with Shapes                                         Trace the Pa erns
            It introduces young learners to the                     It  helps  the  children  to  build
            world of shapes through interac ve                      essen al  motor  skills.  Through
            colouring and ac vi es. Each page                       tracing ac vi es, young learners
            encourages  children  to  iden fy,                      can explore various shapes, lines,
            trace,  and  colour  shapes,  helping                   and  pa erns,  laying  a  strong
            them  develop  spa al  awareness                        founda on for handwri ng. This
            and crea vity. It's a playful journey                   book  turns  prac ce  into  play,
            that  makes  learning  shapes  both                     making  learning  smooth  and
            fun and meaningful!"                                    enjoyable!"

                                   Shapes Around Us
                                                                                            Trace the Lines
                                   It invites the children to discover the
                                   world of shapes in everyday objects.                     It helps young learners to develop
                                   Through  engaging  ac vi es  and                         fine  motor  skills  and  hand-eye
                                   vibrant  illustra ons,  young  learners                  coordina on. Through simple line-
                                   will iden fy, trace, and explore various                 tracing ac vi es, children prac ce
                                   shapes, enhancing their observa onal                     control  and  precision,  building  a
                                   skills  and  spa al  awareness.  It's  a                 strong founda on for wri ng. It's a
                                   playful  journey  that  makes  shapes                    crea ve way to make early learning
                                   come alive in the world around them!"                    smooth and enjoyable!
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