Page 5 - Mastermind Numeracy Skills-1
P. 5
Fun Ac vity Missing Things
It is a vibrant collec on of engaging exercises that spark It enhances observa on in young learners. Through
crea vity and encourage learning through play. Designed engaging ac vi es where children iden fy missing objects,
for young minds, it features a variety of hands-on ac vi es. they strengthen their understanding of numbers and
Whether it's colouring, puzzles, or cra s, each ac vity is pa erns. This hands-on approach makes learning numeracy
tailored to make learning enjoyable and interac ve!" exci ng and memorable!"
Joining Dots
It is an engaging ac vity that helps
young learners develop fine motor skills
and hand-eye coordina on. Through
fun dot-to-dot exercises, children
prac ce coun ng and create deligh ul
images, making learning numbers
enjoyable and enhancing their crea vity
and drawing abili es!"
Numbers Poem
S cker Pas ng
It is an enchan ng collec on designed to introduce It is a fun-filled ac vity that
young learners to the world of numbers through encourages young learners to
the magic of poetry. It crea vely incorporates
explore crea vity through
numbers from 1 to 10 using playful language. This colourful s cker-pas ng images.
engaging approach helps children develop number This ac vity enhances fine motor
recogni on and coun ng skills while fostering a skills and hand-eye coordina on
love for poetry and language."
while promo ng imagina ve