Page 14 - Genius Kidz Social Talk-2
P. 14


                      The Clock

          Mayank :  Which thing helps us to know                       ceÙebkeâ :  meceÙe peeveves kesâ efueS keâewve-meer Jemleg
                        the time?                                               nceejer meneÙelee keâjleer nw?

          Isha        :  A clock helps us to know the time.            F&Mee   :  meceÙe  peeveves  kesâ  efueS  IeÌ[er  nceejer
                                                                                meneÙelee keâjleer nw~

          Mayank :  How many hands does a clock                        ceÙebkeâ :  IeÌ[er ceW efkeâleveer metFÙeeb nesleer nQ?
          Isha        :  A clock has three hands.                      F&Mee   :  IeÌ[er ceW leerve metFÙeeb nesleer nQ~

          Mayank :  Which hand of the clock moves                      ceÙebkeâ :  IeÌ[er  keâer  keâewve-meer  metFË  meyemes  les]pe
                        the fastest?                                            Ûeueleer nw?

          Isha        :  The second hand moves the fastest.            F&Mee   :  meskeWâ[ keâer metFË meyemes les]pe Ûeueleer nw~

          Mayank :  Which hand points to hours?                        ceÙebkeâ :  keâewve-meer  metFË  Iebšs  keâer  Deesj  mebkesâle
                                                                                keâjleer nw?

          Isha        :  The small hand points to hours.               F&Mee   :  Úesšer metFË Iebšs keâer Deesj mebkesâle keâjleer

          Mayank :  Which hand of the clock points to                  ceÙebkeâ :  IeÌ[er  keâer  keâewve-meer  megFË  meskeWâ[  keâer
                        seconds?                                                Deesj mebkesâle keâjleer nw?
          Isha        :  The very thin and long hand                   F&Mee   :  IeÌ[er keâer yengle heleueer leLee uebyeer metFË

                        points to seconds.                                      meskeWâ[ keâer Deesj mebkesâle keâjleer nw~

          Mayank :  What does the big hand show?                       ceÙebkeâ :  yeÌ[er metFË keäÙee oMee&leer nw?
          Isha        :  The big hand shows minutes.                   F&Mee   :  yeÌ[er megFË efceveš keâes oMee&leer nw~

          Mayank :  How many seconds are there in a                    ceÙebkeâ :  Skeâ efceveš ceW efkeâleves meskeWâ[ nesles nQ?
          Isha        :  There are sixty seconds in a minute.          F&Mee   :  Skeâ efceveš ceW mee" meskeWâ[ nesles nQ~

          Mayank :  How many minutes are there in an                   ceÙebkeâ :  Skeâ Iebšs ceW efkeâleves efceveš nesles nQ?
          Isha        :  There are sixty minutes in an hour.           F&Mee   :  Skeâ Iebšs ceW mee" efceveš nesles nQ~

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