Page 18 - Genius Kidz Social Talk-2
P. 18
Animals : Our Friends
Bharti : Which animals are used to Yeejleer : keâewve-mes pebleg nceeje yeesPe {esves kesâ efueS
carry our loads? ØeÙeesie efkeâS peeles nQ?
Varsha : Mules and donkeys are used to Je<ee& : KeÛÛejeW Deewj ieOeeW keâe ØeÙeesie nceeje yeesPe
carry our loads. {esves kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nQ~
Bharti : Name the animals who pulls Yeejleer : Gve peblegDeeW kesâ veece yeleeFS, pees ieeÌ[er
cart. KeeRÛeles nQ~
Varsha : Bullocks and camels are used Je<ee& : yewueeW leLee TBšeW keâe ØeÙeesie ieeÌ[er KeeRÛeves
to pull carts. kesâ efueS efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Bharti : Which animal is called ‘The Yeejleer : keâewve-mee pevleg ‘jsefiemleeve keâe pene]pe’
ship of the desert?’ keânueelee nw?
Varsha : A camel is called, ‘The ship of Je<ee& : TBš ‘jsefiemleeve keâe pene]pe’ keânueelee
the desert?’ nw~
Bharti : Which animal helps us in Yeejleer : keâewve-mee pebleg ke=âef<e ceW nceejer meneÙelee
farming? keâjlee nw?
Varsha : An ox helps us in farming. Je<ee& : yewue ke=âef<e ceW nceejer meneÙelee keâjlee nw~
Bharti : How does an ox helps us in Yeejleer : yewue ke=âef<e ceW nceejer meneÙelee efkeâme Øekeâej
farming? keâjlee nw?
Varsha : It is used in ploughing the field. Je<ee& : Fmekeâe GheÙeesie KesleeW keâer pegleeF& ceW efkeâÙee
peelee nw~
Bharti : Which animal is used to pull Yeejleer : leeBiee KeeRÛeves kesâ efueS efkeâme pebleg keâe
a tonga? GheÙeesie efkeâÙee peelee nw?
Varsha : A horse is used to pull a tonga. Je<ee& : leeBiee KeeRÛeves kesâ efueS IeesÌ[s keâe GheÙeesie
efkeâÙee peelee nw~
Bharti : Which animals give us milk? Yeejleer : keâewve-mes pebleg nceW otOe osles nQ?
Varsha : A cow and buffalo give us milk. Je<ee : ieeÙe leLee Yeme nceW oOe oleer n~ Q
Bharti : Which animals are called Yeejleer : ‘yeesPee {esves Jeeues pebleg’ keâewve-mes pebleg
‘The beasts of burden?’ keânueeles nQ?
Varsha : The animals which are used to Je<ee& : Jes pebleg pees Yeejer yeesPee {esves kesâ keâece Deeles
carry heavy loads are called, ‘The nQ, ‘yeesPee {esves Jeeues pebleg’ keânueeles nQ~
beasts of burden.’
Conversation -2