Page 2 - Genius Kidz Social Talk-2
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Social Talkalkalk
                   S   o     ci     al T                                        Contents
                                    al T
               Connect, and Engage through Effective Communication

                                                                    01.  My Best Friend                              ...3
                                                                    02.  My Duties                                   ...4

               Written by                                           03.  Getting Up in the Morning                   ...5
               Deepak Rana
                                                                    04.  My Daily Routine                            ...6
               Edited by                                            05.  Going To Bed                                ...7
               Akshita Pandit
                                                                         Review Session-1 (Chapters 1 to 5)          ...8
                                                                    06.  My Pet                                      ...9
                                                                    07.  Clothes We Wear                           ...10

                                                                    08.  Health and Hygiene                         ...11
                                                                    09.  Things of Daily Use                       ...12

                                                                    10.  Internal Parts of Our Body                ...13
              ISBN : 978-81-19430-11-6
                                                                    11.  The Clock                                 ...14
                                                                         Review Session-2 (Chapters 6 to 11)       ...15
               All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced,
               stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any   12.  Table Manners            ...16
               means without the prior permission in writing by Genius Kidz, or as
               expressly  permitted  by  law,  or  under  terms  agreed  with  the
               appropriate reprographics rights organisation.       13.  Food From Plants                          ...17
               Enquiries concerning reproduction outside the scope of the above
               should be sent to the Rights Department.             14.  Animals : Our Friends                     ...18
                                                                    15.  People Who Help Us                        ...19

                                                                         Review Session-3 (Chapters 12 to 15)      ...20
                                                                    16.  My Motherland : India                     ...21

                 Ki z                                               17.  Our National Festivals                    ...22
                 Ki z d
                                                                    18.  Seasons in India                          ...23
              Cultivating Love for Learning
              (A Unit of TGBC)                                      19.  Safety Rules                              ...25
              Plot No. 84/1-88/1, Rithani Behind Rajwada            20.  Visit To A Zoo                            ...26
              the Banquet, Delhi Road, Meerut-250103 (NCR)
              Call Us : 09412782184                                 21.  Games and Sports                          ...27
              E-mail :
              Website :                         Review Session-4 (Chapters 16 to 21)      ...28

                                                                         Boost Your Vocabulary                     ...29
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