Page 6 - Genius Kidz Social Talk-2
P. 6


          My Daily Routine

          Radhika  :   When do you get up in the                     jeefOekeâe  :  legce megyen efkeâme meceÙe G"leer nes?

          Priya        :   I get up at 6 o’ clock in the morning.    efØeÙee    :  ceQ megyen Ú: yepes G"leer ntB~

          Radhika  :   What is the first thing you do in             jeefOekeâe :  legce megyen G"keâj meyemes henues keäÙee
                         the morning?                                            keâjleer nes?
          Priya        :   I first say to my parents, ‘Good          efØeÙee   :  ceQ meyemes henues Deheves ceelee-efhelee mes
                         Morning.’                                               ‘megØeYeele’ keânleer ntB~

          Radhika  :   After that what do you do?                    jeefOekeâe :  Gmekesâ yeeo legce keäÙee keâjleer nes?
          Priya        :  After that, I go to the toilet and         efØeÙee   :  Gmekesâ yeeo ceQ MeewÛeeueÙe peeleer ntB
                         brush my teeth.                                         Deewj Deheves oeBle mee]heâ keâjleer ntB~

          Radhika :  Do you take a bath daily?                       jeefOekeâe  :  keäÙee legce Øeefleefove veneleer nes?
          Priya        :   Yes, I take a bath daily.                 efØeÙee   :  neB, ceQ Øeefleefove veneleer ntB~

          Radhika  :   When do you take your                         jeefOekeâe  :  legce  Dehevee  veeMlee  efkeâme  meceÙe
                         breakfast?                                              keâjleer nes?
          Priya        :   I take my breakfast in the                efØeÙee    :  ceQ Dehevee veeMlee megyen 7 yepes
                         morning at 7 o’ clock.                                  keâjleer ntB~

          Radhika  :   When do you go to school?                     jeefOekeâe  :  legce efJeodÙeeueÙe keâye peeleer nes?
          Priya        :   I go to school at 7:30 a.m.               efØeÙee    :  ceQ efJeodÙeeueÙe megyen 7:30 yepes peeleer
                         in the morning.                                         ntB~

          Radhika  :   What time do you return home?                 jeefOekeâe  :  legce Iej Jeeheme keâye ueewšleer nes?
          Priya        :   I return home at 2 o’ clock in the        efØeÙee   :  ceQ oeshenj 2 yepes Iej Jeeheme ueewšleer
                         afternoon.                                              ntB~

          Radhika  :   When do you go to play?                       jeefOekeâe  :  legce Kesueves keâye peeleer nes?
          Priya        :   I go to play in the evening.              efØeÙee    :  ceQ Meece keâes Kesueves peeleer ntB~

          Radhika  :   When do you go to bed?                        jeefOekeâe  :  legce meesves keâye peeleer nes?
          Priya        :   I go to bed at 9:30 p.m.                  efØeÙee    :  cew jele keâes  9  :  30 yepes meesves kesâ
                                                                                 efueS peeleer ntB~

                     Conversation -2
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