Page 15 - Carvaan Science-1
P. 15

2.  What are the differences between climbers and creepers?

                  3.  What type of  stem do herbs have?

                  4.  Why do thorny plants have thorns?


            •  Colour the plant and label all parts of a plant.                                            Experiential Learning

            •  Find the names of different parts of a plant in the word box below and write

                  them in the given space.                                                                    Logical Thinking
                  1.  _________________                           L     E   A V E           S   R     P N A          F

                  2.  _________________
                                                                  L    D R O O T                E     S   C B R
                  3.  _________________
                  4.  _________________                           U U W Z Q E M E                          F   Y U

                  5.  _________________                           X     Y    Z    S    P M N E             L M       I

                  6.  _________________
                                                                  D     E    I   M P       B U D P             A T

            •  Collect the leaves of some plants. Paste them on a chart paper. Write the

                  name of plant below each picture. Show it in your class.                                    Art Integration

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