Page 51 - Carvaan English Reade-1
P. 51

The lion played the same trick everyday.

            He  became  fat  and  strong.  “I've  no

            need to hunt now,” he laughed.

            One day a clever fox came.

            “Come  closer,  little  fox,”

            cried the lion.

                                                            “Oh, no, Mr Lion,” cried the clever fox.

                                                              “I can see many tracks of animals going

                                                               into your den. But none of them comes
                                                                   out again. Goodbye, Mr Lion.”

                                                                            The lion was very angry.

                                                                                 He was also very hungry.

                            Word Meaning
                            Word Meaning
                            Word Meaning
                          claws      :   sharp nails on the foot of       paw        :   animal's foot that has claw
                                  Word Meaning
                                  Word Meaning                                           or nails
                                  Word Meaning
                                        an animal
                          den        :   a place where wild animals       trick      :   something done to deceive
                                        live                                             somebody

                          roar       :   a loud, deep howl (of lion       tracks     :   series  of  marks  left  by  a
                                        ,etc.)                                           moving animal, etc.

                          ill        :   not well, sick
                          brave      :  ready to face danger

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