Page 252 - Visual Marketing
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Lunchology, 133–134                      N
           Luxury property, 15–16
                                                    NAIL Communications, 138
           M                                        Names

           MAC. See Manchester Athletic Club (MAC)     changing, 169–170
           Maguire, Rob, 176                           descriptive, 173–174
           Malverde, 186                               hard-to-pronounce, 203–204
           Manatt, Phelps & Phillips, LLP, 55–56    Narrowcast, 122
           Manchester Athletic Club (MAC), 189–190  National Novel Writing month, 21
           Mannequin Madness, 27–28                 Nelson, Becky, 158
           Marie Claire, 162                        Nerland Agency, 87
           Marx, Chico, 31                          Niche markets
           Marx, Groucho, 189                          children, 65–66
           Masquerade Mask Invitation, 188             pitch books, 199–200
 , 11–12              urban chic, 119–120
           McLain, David, 6                         Nicola Black Design, 191–192
           Meal Tickets & Unusual Ideas, 61–62      Note cards, 159–160
           Memorable names, 166                     Northern Eye Center, 195–196
           Menke, Diane, 210                        Norway Savings Bank, 5–6
           Message reinforcement, 74
           Michelangelo, 11                         O
 , 13–14
           Mint Advertising, 143–144                O’Kuhn, Peter, 91–92
           Mitchell, Scott, 196                     Off-line experience, 8
           Mix Creative, 159–160                    Office of Letters and Light, 21
           Mobil apps, 61–62                        ohTwentyone, 125–126
           Mobile advertising, 9–10                 Oil company, 98
           Modern8, 29                              Omaha cow, 153–154
           Moy, Teri, 116                           On-site displays, 87–88
           Music                                    On-site presence, 93–94
                                                    166 Perry Street, 15
              festivals, 175–176                    Oppenheim, Keith, 130
              students, promotions for, 129–130     Optical illusions, 31–32
           My Name Is Rachel Corrie, 198            Ornament market, 45–46
           Myers Constructs, Inc., 139, 209–210     Outdoor advertising, 51

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