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P. 192

Editor’s note:
     Since submitting so

      regularly to Idea A
    Day, Tom Childs quit

        his life as a Soho
  advertising creative to
   open his own agency

          in the Shetland
     Islands. His clients

                         Design a multiplayer computer game in which each player
                         is first tested physically and mentally before being
                         assigned an access code for the game. The onscreen
                         character would share the player’s strength, height, IQ,
                         weight, reaction times, disabilities, eyesight and age.
                         Gamers would therefore have to improve themselves as
                         much as their gaming skills to succeed in the game.

     shops on the high   Tom Childs
street. Getting out was  26 December 2001
probably the best idea

he had.

                       Sell hangover-treatment packs from vending machines
                       in pubs and clubs. For a small sum, the packs could offer
                       an aspirin or two, a sachet of coffee, aromatherapy oils
                       and a fake doctor’s note.

                                Tom Childs

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