Page 26 - 1841126144.pdf
P. 26

Introduce a system in which motorists are billed
                         annually for any recorded traffic violations. Drivers who
                         do not incur any penalties for parking, speeding or such
                         like within a 12-month period would be refunded their
                         road tax. The aim of the scheme would be to provide free
                         motoring for law abiding drivers, funded in full by those

                         5who break the rules.

                         Rupert Kaye
                         22 August 2000
                         6Found an agency representing female builders,
        Editor’s note:
      In an early press  plumbers, decorators and such like. In addition to
 article on Idea A Day,  pooling the resources of all existing women in the
     Becky Clarke was    trades, the company would encourage others to enter
quoted as saying, ‘My    into these professions. The attraction for the public
 ideas are ones which    would be clear: women are perceived as more
   will make the world   trustworthy, considerate and generally agreeable.
 more convenient and
easier to use.’ She has  Becky Clarke
  never deviated from    23 August 2000
   that noble agenda.
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