Page 112 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
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tickets,	 and	 many	 readers	 reported	 saving	 $300	 or	 more	 after	 one	 quick	 read.
“What	 does	 the	 length	 of	 the	 report	 have	 to	 do	 with	 the	 price?”	 I	 remember
thinking	 about	 that	 one	 complaint.	 “If	 I	 gave	 you	 a	 treasure	 map,	 would	 you
complain	that	it	was	only	one	page	long?”	It	turned	out	the	joke	was	on	me.	All
of	 us	 place	 a	 subjective	 value	 on	 goods	 or	 services	 that	 may	 not	 relate	 to	 what
they	“should”	be.

   Just	as	what	we	want	and	what	we	say	we	want	aren’t	always	the	same	thing,
the	way	we	place	a	value	on	something	isn’t	always	rational.	You	must	learn	to
think	about	value	the	way	your	customers	do,	not	necessarily	the	way	you	would
like	them	to.

                 Compelling	Offer	Tool	Kit:
            FAQ,	Guarantee,	and	Overdelivery

As	 you	 continue	 to	 work	 on	 your	 offer,	 three	 tools	 will	 assist	 you	 in	 making	 it
more	 compelling:	 the	 FAQ	 page	 (or	 wherever	 you	 provide	 the	 answers	 to
common	 questions),	 an	 incredible	 guarantee,	 and	 giving	 your	 customers	 more
than	they	expect.	Let’s	look	at	each	of	them	in	detail.

1.	Frequently	Asked	Questions,	AKA	“What	I	Want	You	to	Know”
You	 might	 think	 that	 a	 frequently	 asked	 questions	 (FAQ)	 page	 is	 designed
merely	 to	 answer	 questions.	 Surprise!	 It’s	 not	 …	 or	 at	 least,	 that’s	 not	 its	 only
function.	 A	 well-designed	 FAQ	 page	 also	 has	 another,	 extremely	 important
purpose.	You	could	call	it	“operation	objection	busting”:	The	additional	purpose
of	a	FAQ	is	to	provide	reassurance	to	potential	buyers	and	overcome	objections.
Your	 mission,	 should	 you	 choose	 to	 accept	 it,	 is	 to	 identify	 the	 main	 objections
your	buyers	will	have	when	considering	your	offer	and	carefully	respond	to	them
in	advance.

   Wondering	 what	 the	 objections	 to	 your	 offer	 will	 be?	 They	 fall	 into	 two
categories:	 general	 and	 specific.	 The	 specific	 objections	 relate	 to	 an	 individual
product	or	service,	so	it’s	hard	to	predict	what	they	might	be	without	looking	at	a
particular	offer.	General	objections,	however,	come	up	with	almost	any	purchase,
so	 that’s	 what	 we’ll	 look	 at	 here.	 These	 objections	 usually	 relate	 to	 very	 basic
human	desires,	needs,	concerns,	and	fears.	Here	are	a	few	common	ones:
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