Page 123 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
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emphasis	on	what	each	side	wants	voters	to	believe.	Each	message	contains	both
an	 admission	 of	 uncertainty	 and	 an	 argument,	 thus	 making	 both	 pitches	 a	 good
fit	for	independent	voters	who	haven’t	made	up	their	minds	yet.†

   In	all	the	messages	you	send	(whether	delivered	via	email	or	in	another	way),
you’ll	 want	 to	 be	 mindful	 of	 several	 qualities.	 The	 first	 and	 most	 important	 is
what	 we’ve	 mentioned	 already:	 the	 need	 to	 tell	 a	 good	 story.	 On	 its	 own,
however,	 a	 good	 story	 isn’t	 always	 enough.	 You	 also	 need	 to	 think	 about
“relatability”	and	timeliness.	Relatability,	which	may	or	may	not	be	a	real	word,
refers	to	the	need	to	ensure	that	the	people	who	hear	about	the	launch	can	relate
to	it.	Do	they	see	themselves	in	the	characters	in	your	story,	and	can	they	clearly
understand	how	it	will	help	them?	Do	they	get	it?

   The	 final	 factor	 is	 timeliness,	 and	 it	 can	 be	 the	 critical	 difference	 between
good	 results	 (“We	 did	 OK”)	 and	 great	 results	 (“We	 killed	 it!”).	 Without
timeliness,	customers	may	evaluate	the	offer	and	 agree	that	it’s	interesting,	but
fail	 to	 take	 action	 because	 there	 is	 no	 need	 for	 them	 to	 do	 so	 right	 away.	 You
don’t	 want	 to	 pressure	 people	 into	 buying	 if	 they’re	 not	 ready,	 but	 you	 do	 want
to	 instill	 a	 sense	 of	 urgency.	 That’s	 why	 a	 good	 launch	 always	 factors	 in	 a
concern	for	timeliness.

                It’s	Not	(All)	About	the	Sales

The	 goal	 of	 a	 good	 launch	 is	 not	 just	 to	 convert	 as	 many	 prospects	 as	 possible;
it’s	 also	 to	 preserve	 your	 relationship	 with	 other	 prospects	 and	 increase	 your
influence.	 The	 reason	 this	 is	 important	 is	 because	 you	 don’t	 want	 to	 hammer
people	too	hard;	it’s	better	to	build	relationships	over	time.

   Some	 people	 will	 always	 complain	 whenever	 you	 sell	 anything	 at	 any	 price.
There’s	nothing	you	can	do	about	that	attitude,	so	just	accept	it	and	don’t	cater	to
those	 people.	 But	 you	 do	 want	 to	 pay	 attention	 to	 your	 broader	 base.	 What	 are
they	 saying	 about	 you?	 How	 do	 they	 perceive	 the	 value	 of	 your	 offer	 and	 the
style	 of	 your	 messaging?	 A	 good	 launch	 should	 increase	 sales	 and	 influence	 at
the	 same	 time.	 If	 you’re	 getting	 positive	 feedback	 from	 people	 who	 don’t	 buy
your	product	but	want	to	support	you	in	other	ways,	you’re	on	the	right	track.

                      Storytelling	and	the	Empire	Building	Kit	Launch
It	 was	 my	 most	 important	 launch	 to	 date:	 an	 online	 business	 course	 called	 the
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