Page 46 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
P. 46

it	more	accessible.	I	even	used	the	previous	experience	as	part	of	the	sales	copy:

“Maybe	you	don’t	want	to	travel	to	twenty	countries	a	year	like	I	do.	But	if	you

could	go	to	one	place	for	nearly	free,	where	would	it	be?”

   This	 product	 did	 much	 better,	 selling	 five	 hundred	 copies	 on	 launch	 day	 and

going	 on	 to	 produce	 more	 than	 $50,000	 in	 net	 income	 over	 the	 next	 year.	 The

success	 was	 also	 quite	 a	 relief,	 because	 for	 almost	 a	 year	 I	 had	 wondered

whether	 people	 would	 buy	 information	 about	 travel.	 Thankfully,	 they	 will—if

it’s	packaged	properly	in	a	way	that	meets	their	needs.

   Another	 year	 later,	 I	 applied	 the	 lesson	 even	 further:	 The	 most	 frequent

request	 from	 Frequent	 Flyer	 Master	 owners,	 who	 otherwise	 loved	 the	 product,

was	for	more	updates	on	late-breaking	travel	opportunities.	With	that	in	mind,	I

created	 the	 Travel	 Hacking	 Cartel	 to	 tell	 people	 exactly	 what	 to	 do	 to	 take

advantage	of	deals	all	over	the	world.	The	careful	message	this	time	was:	Don’t

worry	 about	 the	 details;	 just	 do	 what	 we	 say	 and	 you’ll	 regularly	 earn	 enough

miles	for	free	plane	tickets	every	year.

   This	launch	did	the	best	of	all—more	than	three	thousand	customers	joined	on

the	 first	 day.	 I	 had	 finally	 figured	 out	 how	 to	 give	 my	 customers	 what	 they



   Product	1: 			 Product	2: 			 Product	3:

Travel	Ninja 			 Frequent	Flyer	Master 			 Travel	Hacking	Cartel

   100	Sales 			  500	Sales               			 3,000	Sales


                             Six	Steps	to	Getting	Started	Right	Now
As	 we	 saw	 from	 the	 stories	 in	 Chapter	 1,	 you	 don’t	 need	 a	 lot	 of	 money	 or
special	training	to	operate	a	business.	You	just	need	a	product	or	service,	a	group
of	people	who	want	to	buy	it,	and	a	way	to	get	paid.	We’ll	look	at	each	of	these
things	 in	 more	 detail	 throughout	 the	 book,	 but	 you	 don’t	 have	 to	 wait	 to	 get
started.	Here	are	the	six	steps	you	need	to	take:

      1.	Decide	on	your	product	or	service.
      2.	 Set	 up	 a	 website,	 even	 a	 very	 basic	 one	 (you	 can	 get	 a	 free	 one	 from

      3.	 Develop	 an	 offer	 (an	 offer	 is	 distinct	 from	 a	 product	 or	 service;	 see

         Chapter	7	for	help).
      4.	Ensure	you	have	a	way	to	get	paid	(get	a	free	PayPal	account	to	start).
      5.	Announce	your	offer	to	the	world	(see	Chapter	9	for	more	on	this).
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