Page 47 - The $100 Startup_ Reinvent the Way You Make a Living, Do What You Love
P. 47

6.	Learn	from	steps	1	through	5,	then	repeat.

   Almost	all	microbusiness	building	follows	this	sequence	of	events.	Of	course,
we’ll	be	discussing	specifics	as	we	go	along,	but	it’s	always	better	to	start	from
where	you	are	than	to	wait	for	everything	to	be	perfect.

   If	 you	 have	 an	 existing	 business	 and	 are	 thinking	 about	 how	 to	 apply	 the
concepts	 from	 this	 book,	 focus	 on	 either	 getting	 money	 in	 the	 bank	 or
developing	new	products	or	services.	These	are	the	most	important	tasks	of	your
business—not	 administration,	 maintenance,	 or	 anything	 else	 that	 takes	 time
without	creating	wealth	or	value.	If	you’re	not	sure	what	to	do,	think	about	any
of	these	ideas:

      Can	you	contact	your	customer	list	with	a	special	offer	or	incentive?

      Can	 you	 introduce	 a	 new	 product	 or	 service	 to	 complement	 your	 existing

      If	you’re	a	coach	or	consultant,	can	you	offer	a	special	deal	for	clients	who

      Is	there	a	new	way	you	can	attract	subscribers,	clients,	or	customers?

   But	 one	 way	 or	 another	 …	 just	 do	 something.	 Friedrich	 Engels	 said:	 “An
ounce	of	action	is	worth	a	ton	of	theory.”	Choose	the	ounce	of	action	today.

                  What	People	Really	Want

As	I	learned	from	my	early	mistakes,	homing	in	on	what	customers	really	want
from	a	business	is	critical.	Simply	put,	we	want	more	of	some	things	and	less	of
others.	 In	 the	 “More”	 column	 are	 things	 such	 as	 love,	 money,	 acceptance,	 and
free	time.	We	all	want	more	of	those	things,	right?	In	the	“Less”	column	are	the
undesirables:	things	such	as	stress,	long	commutes,	and	bad	relationships.	If	your
business	 focuses	 on	 giving	 people	 more	 of	 what	 they	 want	 or	 taking	 away
something	they	don’t	want	(or	both),	you’re	on	the	right	track.
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