Page 151 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 151

Most	 of	 the	 important	 things	 in	 the	 world	 have	 been	 accomplished	 by	 people
who	have	kept	on	trying	when	there	seemed	to	be	no	hope	at	all.

         —Dale	Carnegie,	writer,	lecturer,	and	developer	of	self-improvement	courses	

Look	 well	 to	 this	 day.	 Yesterday	 is	 but	 a	 dream	 and	 tomorrow	 is	 only	 a	 vision.
But	 today	 well	 lived	 makes	 every	 yesterday	 a	 dream	 of	 happiness	 and	 every
tomorrow	a	vision	of	hope.	Look	well	therefore	to	this	day.

         —Francis	Gray,	Massachusetts	politician

Singleness	of	purpose	is	one	of	the	chief	essentials	for	success	in	life,	no	matter
what	may	be	one’s	aim.

         —John	D.	Rockefeller,	industrialist,	cofounder	of	Standard	Oil	Co.,	and	philanthropist	

Focus	is	so	critically	important….	Saying	“no”	to	great	ideas	is	necessary	to	get
to	the	brilliant	ones.	At	every	step	of	the	way	you	have	to	cut	towards	one	path.
It’s	such	a	hard	thing	to	do	as	an	entrepreneur	because	you	don’t	really	have	the
confidence	in	where	you’re	going	yourself.

         —Dane	Atkinson,	CEO	of	SumAll

I’ve	always	believed	that	if	you	stick	to	a	thought	and	carefully	avoid	distraction
along	 the	 way,	 you	 can	 fulfill	 a	 dream.	 My	 whole	 life	 has	 been	 about	 fulfilling
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