Page 153 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 153

Failure,	Fear,	and	Adversity

   The	 failure	 rate	 of	 businesses	 is	 notoriously	 high—as	 steep	 as	 nine	 of	 every
ten	 start-ups,	 by	 some	 accounts.	 Even	 the	 10	 percent	 or	 so	 that	 survive	 become
acquainted	with	failure.	Hired	after	careful	vetting,	a	new	employee	flames	out.
Highly	 promoted	 merchandise	 languishes	 on	 store	 shelves.	 A	 lawsuit	 against	 a
rival	 is	 decided	 in	 the	 opponent’s	 favor.	 And,	 to	 be	 sure,	 the	 most	 successful
businesses	 can	 count	 on	 experiencing	 adversity	 as	 well.	 Quarterly	 profits	 drop.
An	 ascendant	 rival	 appears	 on	 the	 horizon.	 A	 visionary	 faces	 unanimous
skepticism.	Given	the	realities	of	business	life,	successful	people	in	the	business
world	 have	 adopted	 a	 universal	 coping	 mechanism:	 they	 subscribe	 to	 the	 idea
that	setbacks	are	strengthening.	Hardships	test	their	mettle.	Failures	set	the	stage
for	 a	 rebound.	 Redemption	 is	 just	 around	 the	 corner.	 Although	 it	 may	 seem
perverse,	applaud	failure.


Don’t	be	afraid	of	failure;	be	afraid	of	petty	success.

         —Maud	Adams,	actress
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