Page 257 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 257

What	a	great	boon	it	is	to	a	man—to	have	another	man	tell	him	that	he	believes
in	him,	that	he	trusts	him!	What	a	happiness	all	my	business	experience	has	been
because	my	associates	believed	in	me,	trusted	me	implicitly!

         —John	D.	Rockefeller,	industrialist,	cofounder	of	Standard	Oil	Co.,	and	philanthropist	

The	way	a	team	plays	as	a	whole	determines	its	success.

         —Babe	Ruth,	baseball	legend

Every	 successful	 individual	 knows	 that	 his	 or	 her	 achievement	 depends	 on	 a
community	of	persons	working	together.

         —Paul	Ryan,	speaker	of	the	US	House	of	Representatives

In	teamwork,	silence	isn’t	golden,	it’s	deadly.

         —Mark	Sanborn,	author	and	entrepreneur

Individually,	we	are	one	drop.	Together,	we	are	an	ocean.

         —Ryunosuke	Satoro,	Japanese	writer
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