Page 263 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 263

If	you	have	more	than	three	priorities,	you	don’t	have	any.

         —Jim	 Collins,	 business	 consultant,	 author,	 and	 lecturer	 (from	 his	 book	 Good	 to	 Great:	 Why	 Some
            Companies	 Make	 the	 Leap	 …	 and	 Others	 Don’t,	 2001)	 An	 entrepreneur	 must	 pitch	 a	 potential
            investor	for	what	the	company	is	worth	as	well	as	sell	the	dream	on	how	much	of	a	profit	can	be

         —Daymond	John,	entrepreneur	and	CEO	of	FUBU

Your	 long-term	 goals	 should	 be	 realistic,	 challenging,	 and	 attainable	 statements
of	 where	 you	 want	 your	 company	 to	 be	 in	 three	 to	 five	 years	 following	 the
direction	 outlined	 in	 your	 mission	 statement.	 Long-term	 goals	 function	 as
starting	and	organizational	points,	to	make	it	easier	to	process,	prioritize,	allocate
resources,	and	coordinate	related	short-term	goals	and	objectives.

         —Peter	J.	Patsula,	founder	of	Patsula	Media	and	author	

To	accomplish	great	things,	we	must	not	only	act	but	also	dream,	not	only	plan
but	also	believe.

         —Anatole	France,	poet	and	journalist

A	visionary	company	doesn’t	simply	balance	between	idealism	and	profitability:
it	 seeks	 to	 be	 highly	 idealistic	 and	 highly	 profitable.	 A	 visionary	 company
doesn’t	 simply	 balance	 between	 preserving	 a	 tightly	 held	 core	 ideology	 and
stimulating	vigorous	change	and	movement;	it	does	both	to	an	extreme.

         —Jim	Collins,	business	consultant,	author,	and	lecturer
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