Page 284 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 284

Never	 make	 an	 investment	 transaction	 that	 hinges	 upon	 selling	 your	 home	 or
taking	out	a	mortgage	on	your	home.	This	is	a	proven	recipe	for	disaster.

         —Tom	 Ajamie	 and	 Bruce	 Kelly,	 coauthors	 of	 Financial	 Serial	 Killers:	 Inside	 the	 World	 of	 Wall
            Street	Money	Hustlers,	Swindlers,	and	Con	Men	When	somebody	buys	a	stock	it’s	because	they
            think	 it’s	 going	 to	 go	 up	 and	 the	 person	 who	 sold	 it	 to	 them	 thinks	 it’s	 going	 to	 go	 down.
            Somebody’s	wrong.

         —George	Ross,	Trump	Organization	executive

The	key	to	making	money	is	to	stay	invested.

         —Suze	Orman,	personal	finance	expert

I	cannot	understand	why	an	investor	…	elects	to	put	money	into	a	business	that
is	his	20th	favorite	rather	than	simply	adding	that	money	to	his	top	choices—the
businesses	 he	 understands	 best	 and	 that	 present	 the	 least	 risk,	 along	 with	 the
greatest	profit	potential.	In	the	words	of	the	prophet	Mae	West:	“Too	much	of	a
good	thing	can	be	wonderful.”

         —Warren	Buffett,	legendary	investor	and	CEO	of	Berkshire	Hathaway	(from	his	letter	to	Berkshire
            Hathaway	shareholders,	1994)	Running	the	company	for	the	shareholders	often	reduces	its	long-
            term	growth	potential.

         —Ha-Joon	Chang,	South	Korean	economist
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