Page 286 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 286

—Donald	Trump,	real	estate	developer,	author,	and	presidential	candidate	

Above	all	else,	in	other	words,	the	stock	market	is	people.	It	is	people	trying	to
read	 the	 future.	 And	 it	 is	 this	 intensely	 human	 quality	 that	 makes	 the	 stock
market	 so	 dramatic	 an	 arena	 in	 which	 men	 and	 women	 pit	 their	 conflicting
judgments,	their	hopes	and	fears,	strengths	and	weaknesses,	greed	and	ideals.

         —Bernard	Baruch,	financier,	stock	investor,	philanthropist,	and	statesman	

It’s	far	better	to	buy	a	wonderful	company	at	a	fair	price	than	a	fair	company	at	a
wonderful	price.

         —Warren	 Buffett,	 legendary	 investor	 and	 CEO	 of	 Berkshire	 Hathaway	 I	 have	 a	 problem	 with	 too
            much	money.	I	can’t	reinvest	it	fast	enough,	and	because	I	reinvest	it,	more	money	comes	in.	Yes,
            the	rich	do	get	richer.

         —Robert	Kiyosaki,	entrepreneur	and	author

I	 invested	 in	 many	 companies,	 and	 I’m	 happy	 this	 one	 worked.	 This	 is
capitalism.	You	invest	in	stock,	it	goes	up,	it	goes	down.	You	know,	if	you	don’t
like	 capitalism,	 you	 don’t	 like	 making	 money	 with	 stock,	 move	 to	 Cuba	 or

         —Terry	McAuliffe,	governor	of	Virginia

The	real	key	to	making	money	in	stocks	is	not	to	get	scared	out	of	them.
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