Page 307 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 307

We	are	what	we	repeatedly	do.	Excellence,	then,	is	not	an	act,	but	a	habit.

         —Aristotle,	Greek	philosopher

What	we	truly	need	to	do	is	often	what	we	most	feel	like	avoiding.

         —David	Allen,	author

If	 you	 are	 a	 winner	 by	 the	 judgments	 of	 few	 judges	 and	 not	 by	 your
performance,	you	are	not	a	real	winner.

         —Amit	Kalantri,	author

If	you’re	going	to	invent	new	things	you’ve	also	got	to	be	able—this	goes	along
with	long-term	orientation,	you’ve	got	to	be	able	to	endure	a	lot	of	criticism.

         —Jeff	Bezos,	founder	of

We	 always	 overestimate	 the	 change	 that	 will	 occur	 in	 the	 next	 two	 years	 and
underestimate	 the	 change	 that	 will	 occur	 in	 the	 next	 ten.	 Don’t	 let	 yourself	 be
lulled	into	inaction.
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