Page 310 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 310

The	sleeping	fox	catches	no	poultry.

         —Benjamin	Franklin,	US	founding	father	and	inventor

The	potential	of	controlling	and	living	a	successful	life	according	to	your	terms
depends	 on	 how	 you	 think.	 Your	 perception	 is	 your	 world.	 You	 can	 create	 the
life	you	want	and	in	fact,	you	can	even	shape	the	way	you	want	it.

         —Dee	Dee	Artner,	author	and	behavioral	expert

I	 don’t	 want	 to	 be	 in	 a	 position	 where	 I’m	 playing	 roles	 I’m	 comfortable	 with
and	making	money,	but	doing	it	without	feeling	like	I’m	growing.

         —Rodrigo	Santoro,	Brazilian	actor

Belief	 in	 oneself	 is	 one	 of	 the	 most	 important	 bricks	 in	 building	 any	 successful

         —Lydia	M.	Child,	abolitionist,	women’s	rights	activist,	novelist,	and	journalist	People	have	within
            their	own	hands	the	tools	to	fashion	their	own	destiny.

         —Murray	D.	Lincoln,	founder	of	the	Nationwide	Insurance	Companies
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