Page 313 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 313

Will	 power	 is	 the	 key	 to	 success.	 Successful	 people	 strive	 no	 matter	 what	 they
feel	by	applying	their	will	to	overcome	apathy,	doubt	or	fear.

         —Dan	Millman,	author	and	personal	development	lecturer

The	best	way	to	not	feel	hopeless	is	to	get	up	and	do	something.	Don’t	wait	for
good	things	to	happen	to	you.	If	you	go	out	and	make	some	good	things	happen,
you	will	fill	the	world	with	hope,	you	will	fill	yourself	with	hope.

         —Barack	Obama,	US	president

You	 have	 brains	 in	 your	 head.	 You	 have	 feet	 in	 your	 shoes.	 You	 can	 steer
yourself,	any	direction	you	choose.

         —Dr.	Seuss,	children’s	author	(from	his	book	Oh,	The	Places	You’ll	Go,	1990)
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