Page 322 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 322

No	business	which	depends	for	existence	on	paying	less	than	living	wages	to	its
workers	has	any	right	to	continue	in	this	country.

         —Franklin	D.	Roosevelt,	US	president

Multinational	corporations	do	control.	They	control	the	politicians.	They	control
the	 media.	 They	 control	 the	 pattern	 of	 consumption,	 entertainment,	 thinking.
They’re	destroying	the	planet	and	laying	the	foundation	for	violent	outbursts	and
racial	division.

         —Jerry	Brown,	Governor	of	California

It’s	 ridiculous	 to	 talk	 about	 freedom	 in	 a	 society	 dominated	 by	 huge
corporations.	 What	 kind	 of	 freedom	 is	 there	 inside	 a	 corporation?	 They’re
totalitarian	 institutions—you	 take	 orders	 from	 above	 and	 maybe	 give	 them	 to
people	below	you.	There’s	about	as	much	freedom	as	under	Stalinism.

         —Noam	 Chomsky,	 linguist,	 philosopher,	 cognitive	 scientist,	 historian,	 social	 critic,	 and	 political

The	higher	the	buildings,	the	lower	the	morals.

         —Noel	Coward,	playwright

If	 the	 firms	 that	 employ	 an	 increasing	 majority	 of	 the	 population	 are	 driven
solely	 to	 satisfy	 the	 owner’s	 greed	 at	 the	 expense	 of	 working	 conditions,	 of	 the
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