Page 324 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 324

And	 sometimes	 I	 actually	 start	 to	 think	 human	 life	 is	 just	 as	 cheap	 to	 corporate
America	as	animal	life,	so	long	as	there	are	big	profits	to	be	made.

         —Tom	Scholz,	musician

When	you	stop	to	think	about	it,	it	is	apparent	that	we	do	consider	corporations
to	be	ethical	entities,	at	least	in	some	measure.

         —Wade	Rowland,	Canadian	science,	technology,	and	travel	writer

Now	 you	 have	 a	 choice:	 we	 can	 give	 more	 tax	 breaks	 to	 corporations	 that	 ship
jobs	 overseas,	 or	 we	 can	 start	 rewarding	 companies	 that	 open	 new	 plants	 and
train	new	workers	and	create	new	jobs	here,	in	the	United	States	of	America.

         —Barack	Obama,	US	president

Corporations	 are	 poisoning	 our	 air	 and	 water	 while	 at	 the	 same	 time	 lining	 the
pockets	of	elected	officials	with	political	contributions.

         —Gloria	Reuben,	actress
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