Page 338 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 338

—Nolan	Bushnell,	engineer	and	founder	of	Atari	Inc.	and	Chuck	E.	Cheese’s
   Pizza-Time	Theaters	—Samuel	Butler,	novelist


—Herman	Cain,	Republican	presidential	aspirant	—Mona	Caird,	Scottish
   novelist,	essayist,	and	feminist	—David	Campbell,	author

—Albert	Camus,	French	philosopher
—Jack	Canfield,	author	and	entrepreneur
—Truman	Capote,	novelist,	screenwriter,	playwright,	and	actor	—Grant

   Cardone,	motivational	speaker	and	author	—Thomas	Carlyle,	Scottish
   philosopher,	essayist,	satirist,	and	historian.
—Jan	Carlzon,	CEO	of	SAS
—Andrew	Carnegie,	steel	industrialist
—Dale	Carnegie,	writer	and	lecturer
—Evangeline	Caridas,	consultant
—Alexis	Carrel,	French	surgeon	and	biologist
—Lewis	Carroll,	writer
—Jim	Carrey,	actor	and	comedian
—Margaret	Carty,	Oregon	politician
—Johnny	Cash,	country	singer
—Warren	Cassell	Jr.,	Caribbean	entrepreneur
—Carlos	Castaneda,	author
—Richard	Cecil,	Evangelical	Anglican	priest
—Gurbaksh	Chahal,	entrepreneur	and	author
—Chanakya,	Indian	teacher,	philosopher,	royal	advisor,	economist,	and	jurist	—
   Raymond	Chandler,	novelist	and	screenwriter
—Coco	Chanel,	fashion	designer
—Ha-Joon	Chang,	South	Korean	economist
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