Page 341 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
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—William	Durant,	cofounder	of	General	Motors
—Dr.	Wayne	W.	Dyer,	philosopher,	self-help	author,	and	motivational	speaker


—Thomas	Edison,	inventor
—Sir	John	Egan,	British	industrialist
—Albert	Einstein,	developer	of	the	theory	of	relativity	—Ansel	Elgort,	actor	and

—Charles	W.	Eliot,	Harvard	University	president	—Walter	Elliott,	priest	and

—Havelock	Ellis,	English	physician,	writer,	intellectual,	and	social	reformer	—

   Peter	Ellis,	author
—Larry	Ellison,	cofounder	of	Oracle	Corporation	—Ralph	Ellison,	novelist
—Melinda	Emerson,	founder	and	CEO	of	Quintessence	Multimedia	—Ralph

   Waldo	Emerson,	philosopher,	poet,	and	essayist	—Eminem,	rapper
—Emenike	Emmanuel,	Nigerian	soccer	player
—Brian	Eno,	musician,	composer,	and	producer
—Sven-Göran	Eriksson	Swedish	football	manager	and	former	player	—Jonas

   Eriksson,	writer
—Robert	Estabrook,	journalist
—Doug	Evelyn,	Smithsonian	Institution	executive	—Sam	Ewing,	professional

   baseball	player
—Dr.	O.	Ezekiel,	minister


—Tim	Fargo,	CEO	of	Tweet	Jukebox
—Nauman	Faridi,	Internet	technologist
—William	Feather,	publisher	and	author
—Diane	Feinstein,	US	Senator
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