Page 348 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
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—Mike	Krzyzewski,	college	basketball	coach

—Nirmalya	Kumar,	professor	of	marketing	and	director	of	Aditya	Birla	India
   Centre,	London	Business	School	—Milan	Kundera,	novelist

—Joseph	C.	Kunz	Jr.,	entrepreneur	and	author


—John	Lahr,	senior	drama	critic	at	The	New	Yorker	magazine	—Dr.	Edwin
   Land,	cofounder	of	the	Polaroid	Corporation	—Jaron	Lanier,	computer
   scientist,	author,	and	composer	—Kalle	Lasn,	Estonian-Canadian	filmmaker,
   author,	and	magazine	editor	—Ralph	Lauren,	fashion	designer

—Estee	Lauder,	cofounder	of	Estée	Lauder	Companies	—Irving	Paul	Lazar,
   talent	agent

—Stephen	Butler	Leacock,	Canadian	teacher,	political	scientist,	writer,	and
   humorist	—Michael	LeBoeuf,	business	professor	and	author	—Bruce	Lee,

—Patrick	Lencioni,	author	and	management	expert	—Stew	Leonard,	retailer

—Theodore	Levitt,	economist,	professor	at	Harvard	Business	School,	and	author
   —Joshua	E.	Leyenhorst,	owner	of	Promadim	Promotional	Products,	British
   Columbia	—Rensis	Likert,	social	psychologist

—Doris	Lilly,	gossip	columnist

—Ryan	Lilly,	writer

—Abraham	Lincoln,	US	President

—Dr.	Henry	Link,	employment	psychologist

—Betty	Liu,	Bloomberg	TV	anchor

—John	Locke,	English	philosopher	and	physician	—George	Lois,	advertising

—Vince	Lombardi,	professional	football	coaching	legend	—Jonathan	Long,
   founder	and	CEO	of	Market	Domination	Media	—	Wadsworth	Longfellow,

—Audre	Lorde,	writer,	feminist,	and	civil	rights	activist	—George	Claude
   Lorimer,	pastor
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