Page 350 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
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Marden, inspirational author and founder —Ziggy Marley, musician
—Scott Marquart, author
—Julianna Margulies, actress
—Jacques Maritain, French Catholic philosopher —Art Markman, professor of
psychology and marketing —Paul Marsden, writer and businessman
—Peter Marshall, author
—Ajaero Tony Martins, Nigerian entrepreneur and investor —Karl Marx,
philosopher, economist, and revolutionary socialist —Andrew Mason, founder
and CEO of Groupon Inc.
—Andre Maurois, French author
—John C. Maxwell, author, speaker, and pastor —Marissa Mayer, CEO of
—Joyce Maynard, novelist and journalist
—Margaret Mead, anthropologist
—Andrew Mellon, banker, industrialist, philanthropist, and US ambassador —
Herman Melville, novelist and poet
—Danny Meyer, restaurant entrepreneur
—Paul J. Meyer, founder of Success Motivation Institute —Mary Mihalic,
—Michael Milken, former financier
—Jon Miller, author
—Dan Millman, author and personal development lecturer —C. Wright Mills,
—Lisa A. Mininni, author
—Kathryn Minshew, CEO and cofounder of The Muse —Rohinton Mistry,
—Lakshmi Mittal, Indian steel magnate
—Bob Moawad, author
—Mohammed, Prophet of Islam