Page 354 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 354

—A.R.	Rahman,	musician

—Tariq	Ramadan,	Swiss	academic,	philosopher,	and	writer	—Ron	Rash,	poet,
   short	story	writer,	and	novelist	—Tom	Rath,	author

—Mitch	Ratliffe,	writer

—Ronald	Reagan,	US	President

—Bernice	Johnson	Reagon,	singer

—Douglas	B.	Reeves,	education	author

—Robert	Reich,	Secretary	of	Labor,	professor,	and	author	—Peter	Relan,

—Gloria	Reuben,	actress

—Jef	I.	Richards,	professor	of	advertising

—Pat	Riley,	professional	basketball	coach	and	executive	—Eloise	Ristad,	author

—César	Ritz,	founder	of	the	Hôtel	Ritz	(Paris)	and	The	Ritz	Hotel	(London)	—
   Rene	Rivkin,	Australian	entrepreneur,	investor,	and	investment	adviser	—
   Harold	Robbins,	novelist

—Tony	Robbins,	motivational	speaker,	personal	finance	instructor,	and	self-help

—Lord	Robens,	chairman	of	the	National	Coal	Board,	United	Kingdom	—Alan
   G.	Robinson,	business	executive

—Ken	Robinson,	English	author	and	international	advisor	on	art	education	—
   Kim	Stanley	Robinson,	science	fiction	writer	—David	Rockefeller,	banker

—John	D.	Rockefeller,	industrialist,	cofounder	of	Standard	Oil	Co.,	and
   philanthropist	—Anita	Roddick,	founder	of	The	Body	Shop

—Will	Rogers,	American	cowboy,	vaudeville	performer,	humorist,	newspaper
   columnist,	social	commentator,	and	stage	and	motion	picture	actor	—Jim
   Rohn,	entrepreneur,	author	and	motivational	speaker	—Henry	Rollins,
   musician,	actor,	television	and	radio	host,	and	comedian	—Mickey	Rooney,
   actor	and	comedian

—Eleanor	Roosevelt,	US	First	Lady

—Franklin	D.	Roosevelt,	US	President

—Theodore	Roosevelt,	US	President
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