Page 357 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 357

—Mike	Stackpole,	science	fiction	author

—Roger	Staubach,	professional	quarterback

—Casey	Stengel,	baseball	legend

—Mattie	Stepanek,	poet

—David	Stern,	commissioner	of	the	National	Basketball	Association	—
   Vilhjalmur	Stefansson,	Canadian	explorer	and	ethnologist	—John	Steinbeck,

—Robert	Louis	Stevenson,	Scottish	poet	and	novelist	—Jimmy	Stewart,	actor

—Potter	Stewart,	Justice	of	the	US	Supreme	Court	—Kevin	Stirtz,	author	and
   web	marketing	consultant	—John	Stoker,	author

—Kerry	Stokes,	Australian	broadcast	billionaire	—Biz	Stone,	cofounder	of

—W.	Clement	Stone,	businessman,	philanthropist,	and	self-help	author	—Steve
   Stoute,	advertising	executive	and	marketing	expert	—Billy	Sunday,	baseball
   professional	turned	evangelist	—James	Surowiecki,	journalist

—Marilyn	Suttle,	author	and	motivational	speaker	—Jonathan	Swift,	Anglo-
   Irish	satirist,	essayist,	political	pamphleteer,	poet,	and	cleric	—Charles	R.
   Swindoll,	evangelical	Christian	pastor,	author,	educator,	and	radio	preacher	—
   Sandra	Swinney,	author


—Matt	Taibbi,	journalist

—Savielly	Tartakower,	Polish	and	French	chess	grandmaster	—Rick	Tate,
   author	and	customer-loyalty	strategist	—Tarun	J.	Tejpal,	Indian	journalist,
   publisher,	novelist,	and	editor	—Alfred	Lord	Tennyson,	Poet	Laureate	of
   Great	Britain	and	Ireland	—Richard	Thalheimer,	founder,	CEO,	and	chairman
   of	The	Sharper	Image	Corporation	—Mother	Theresa,	Roman	Catholic	nun
   and	missionary	—Bennie	Thompson,	US	congressman

—Robert	G.	Thompson,	author

—Henry	David	Thoreau,	author,	poet,	philosopher,	abolitionist,	and	naturalist	—
   Samuel	Thurm,	senior	vice	president,	US	Association	of	National	Advertisers
   —Jeffry	A.	Timmons,	professor	of	entrepreneurship	—Lily	Tomlin,	actress
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