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—Swami	Vivekananda,	Indian	Hindu	monk

—Roger	Von	Oech,	speaker,	author,	and	toy-maker	—Peter	Voogd,	media
   entrepreneur	and	author


—Denis	Waitley,	motivational	speaker,	writer,	and	consultant	—Izaak	Walton,
   English	writer

—Sam	Walton,	founder	of	Wal-Mart

—John	Wanamaker,	department-store	magnate

—Eugene	F.	Ware,	author

—George	Washington,	US	President

—Thomas	J.	Watson,	chairman	of	IBM

—Marlon	Wayans,	actor	and	comedian

—Jerry	Weintraub,	movie	producer

—Jack	Welch,	chairman	and	CEO	of	GE

—Arsene	Wenger,	French	football	manager	and	former	player	—John	Wheeler,
   theoretical	physicist

—Meg	Whitman,	chairman	and	CEO	of	Hewlett-Packard	—Meredith	Whitney,
   financial	analyst

—Eliot	Wigginton,	oral	historian,	folklorist,	writer,	and	educator	—Oscar	Wilde,
   Irish	playwright,	novelist,	essayist,	and	poet	—George	Will,	newspaper
   columnist	and	political	commentator	—Heather	Williams,	author

—Roy	H.	Williams,	author	and	marketing	consultant	—Oprah	Winfrey,	media
   mogul,	television	host,	and	actress	—Anna	Wintour,	Vogue	magazine	editor
   —Susan	Wojcicki,	CEO	of	YouTube

—George	Edward	Woodberry,	literary	critic	and	poet	—John	Wooden,
   legendary	UCLA	basketball	coach	—Cornell	Woolrich,	novelist

—F.W.	Woolworth,	founder	of	five-and-dime	chain	—Steve	Wozniak,
   cofounder	of	Apple	Inc.

—Steven	Wright,	comedian
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