Page 355 - The Big Book of Business Quotations: Over 1,400 of the Smartest Things Ever Said about Making Money -
P. 355

—Theodore	Roosevelt,	US	President

—George	Ross,	Trump	Organization	executive

—Wade	Rowland,	Canadian	science,	technology,	and	travel	writer	—Arundhati
   Roy,	author

—Gretchen	Rubin,	author,	blogger,	and	speaker	—Michael	Rubin,	e-commerce

—John	Russell,	president	of	Harley	Davidson,	Europe	—Babe	Ruth,	baseball

—Paul	Ryan,	Speaker	of	the	US	House	of	Representatives


—Carl	Sagan,	astronomer,	cosmologist,	astrophysicist,	and	author	—N.V.
   Sakhardande,	author	and	management	expert	—Mark	Sanborn,	author	and

—Sheryl	Sandberg,	chief	operating	officer	of	Facebook	—Betsy	Sanders,
   Nordstrom	executive	and	author	—Colonel	Sanders,	founder	of	Kentucky
   Fried	Chicken	—George	Santayana,	philosopher,	essayist,	poet,	and	novelist
   —Rodrigo	Santoro,	Brazilian	actor

—Vidal	Sassoon,	hair	care	mogul

—Ryunosuke	Satoro,	Japanese	writer

—Elizabeth	Grace	Saunders,	time-management	coach	—Eric	Schiffer,	author
   and	entrepreneur

—Eric	Schmidt,	executive	chairman	of	Alphabet	Inc.,	formerly	Google	—Tom
   Scholz,	musician

—Howard	Schultz,	CEO	of	Starbucks

—Horst	Schulze,	president	of	the	Ritz	Carlton	Hotels	—Charles	M.	Schwab,
   steel	magnate

—Charles	R.	Schwab,	founder	of	Charles	Schwab	Corp.

—Robert	L.	Schwartz,	author	and	Harvard	professor	emeritus	—Arnold
   Schwarzenegger,	actor	and	Governor	of	California	—Albert	Schweitzer,
   theologian	and	philosopher	—Seneca,	Roman	Stoic	philosopher,	statesman,
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