Page 235 - 101 Ways to Market Your Business
P. 235
111 Have a ‘thank you’ party for your customers
Throwing a party for your customers to say ‘thanks for the
business’ is a fabulous way to create goodwill. It doesn’t
mean that you have to rent the penthouse at the Ritz and
order cases of French champagne. It can be something as
simple as drinks one afternoon after work.
The great thing about putting on a function like this
is that it provides a stress-free way for you to mingle with
your customers to personally thank them. It gives them the
opportunity to see that you really do appreciate their
business, emphasising the fact that, as customers, they are
I used to have a barbecue once a week in my dive shop.
This was on Thursday nights and it was very informal,
basically a sausage sizzle. Everyone who came could receive
a free air fill and a meal with a few drinks. At its peak over
50 people would attend every week. That Thursday night
became the week’s highlight for many customers and the
best part about it was that I sold more dive gear that night
than at any other time during the week. People were relaxed
and happy, they had got something for free and they were
happy to buy my products.
If you host a thank you party for your customers you
may be surprised at how much business you actually get
on the night or the leads that will be generated for you to
follow up in the following weeks.
When hosting a party like this try to keep the theme
in line with your customers’ likes and dislikes. A friend of
mine owns a boatyard. If he hosted a party with light finger
foods, champagne and classical music in the background
he would probably have a limited turn up. Alternatively,
another friend of mine owns an art gallery. If he put on a
barbecue with beer and loud rock music playing, no one
would attend his opening functions. So try to read your
customers to make certain that you hit the mark right on.