Page 248 - 101 Ways to Market Your Business
P. 248


118 Send money to get attention

It is always hard to get someone’s attention with a letter,
especially if you are trying to sell them something. I have
seen (and discussed earlier) a number of cute ideas, such
as attaching a tea bag and starting the letter with ‘Enjoy a
cup of tea while you read this letter’. The problem can be
that it is done to death. In the space of one week I received
about ten letters with tea bags attached. While I think it
is a great idea (and my shopping bill was cut down dra-
matically that week), why not try to be a little more

    A clever idea I discovered recently was based on attach-
ing a coin to a letter. Stick it right slap bang in the middle
of the page. A gold coin looks great but a silver one will
do. You start your letter off with a big bold heading like:

         Do you earn the equivalent of $249 600 per year?
    Because that is what I would like to pay you to read this
    letter. It will take about 30 seconds for you to read the
    attached letter. I would like to pay you $1 for your 30
    seconds. That is the equivalent of $2 per minute or $120
    per hour or $4800 per week or $249 600 per year. It
    really is 30 seconds well spent.

         Now that you are on the payroll, here is what I
    would like to tell you about . . .

    Now this idea works for two reasons. The first is that
it will definitely stand out from every other piece of junk
mail that we receive on a daily basis and second, who could
resist reading the attached letter after an introduction like
that? I am sure the odd cynic would put their hand up
but, believe me, the vast majority of people couldn’t help
but read a letter as unusual as this.

    Of course you could face the problem that after a
while everyone will be doing it but the best way to avoid
that particular problem is to be the first. If you want to

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