Page 34 - 101 Ways to Market Your Business
P. 34


fabulous. These photographs reproduced in your promo-
tional material will look a thousand times better than the
happy snap of you at the beach.

    From my experience, good promotional material results
in good sales. If you have poor promotional material, be
big enough to change. I have seen many businesses that
think nothing of spending $200 000 to set up their busi-
ness but cringe at spending $2000 to produce a quality

    Another important point to remember with promo-
tional material is to make it stand out from the crowd and
your opposition. Always compare brochures, look for new
and innovative ideas that catch your attention and, most
importantly, identify what makes you want to buy a par-
ticular product. If it worked on you, perhaps it will work
on your potential customers.

Do you need a holiday before you get

Are you feeling dynamic and ready to leap into marketing
or is this the last ditch effort at survival? A lot of small
business operators come to me at the desperation stage,
completely burnt out with their nerves on edge. My mar-
keting advice to them is to have a holiday.

    A positive attitude is the best weapon that any business
owner or manager can have. Sometimes it is easier said than
done. However, from my experience there are two distinct
types of business people. The first type opens the doors and
waits for the customers to start rolling in. They generally
do not advertise, saying that it is a waste of time and money.
The customers don’t come through the door so they begin
to get disgruntled and they become more and more negative
as each day goes by. There are a hundred reasons why the

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