Page 127 - 100 Great Marketing Ideas (100 Great Ideas)
P. 127

market—while at the same time interest in taking up sport was on
the increase as more people had leisure time to fill.
A series of TV advertisements showing decathlete Daley Thompson
drinking Lucozade helped to reposition the product. Handy-sized
bottles were used instead of the larger one-pint bottles Lucozade
originally came in, and the drink was sold through vending
machines and at sports clubs.
Nowadays, Lucozade uses Lara Croft as its role model, and
the repositioning is complete. Sales have multiplied, but more
importantly the product’s future is secure in a growing market,
rather than the shrinking market it occupied previously.

In practice

• Before deciding to reposition, be very sure that you want to lose

    the market you are already in.

• You cannot occupy two positions at once—if you reposition, you

    lose the position you already have.

• Be very clear about the position you want to occupy—consider

    the competitive issues particularly.

• Anticipate retaliation from competitors in the new market.
• Keep your promotion consistent with the new position.

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