Page 145 - 100 Great Marketing Ideas (100 Great Ideas)
P. 145
agency chose to represent the brand was comedienne Dawn French,
who is known as a chocoholic with a sense of fun. The strapline
“It’s not Terry’s—it’s mine!” was always delivered as she grabbed
the chocolate orange for herself.
The campaign was highly successful in repositioning the chocolate
orange as a year-round treat.
In practice
• Begin by determining the consumer’s perception of your brand
• You don’t need a celebrity (although it helps if you can afford
one). A person who can convey the same personality as the brand
will still be effective.
• Expect to invest in the promotion of your new brand
• Beware of people who might prove controversial—if your real
person turns out to be a criminal or a drug user it may affect
your brand adversely.