Page 129 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 129
manner, and the bucks are kept in another stable altogether. As the goat is
practically free from tuberculosis, its milk does not carry that dread disease
germ. But to make certain that the goats are not likely to contact tuberculosis,
they should be kept separate from cows.
Mr. Fearn’s merchandising methods are particularly interesting. Instead of
selling to hospitals and doctors, he has placed small refrigerators in drug
stores in Washington and Baltimore. They are attractively labeled and have
glass doors that give a view of the pint-size paper bottles of goat milk. Each
pint bottle sells for 25 cents and they have a ready sale.
The dairyman may also find a market for goats’ milk in the canneries which
are now putting up a brand of evaporated, unsweetened goats’ milk. This
retails for 20 cents a can of 11 ounces, which is equivalent to about 30 cents a
quart for the original milk.
A doe averaging two quarts a day for 10 months produces 600 quarts. At 25
cents a quart, this returns an income of $150. Feed for the doe for 12 months
at 10 cents a day would be $36. The profit less the labor cost would be $114.
A three-quart doe would give about 900 quarts at 25 cents or $225. The feed
would probably cost a little more, say 12 ½ cents daily or $45. This would
make a profit less the labor cost of $180. This little comparison between the
two- and three-quart milker easily shows how much more profitable the
better milker can be. It is conservatively said that a good doe will pay her
purchase price back in milk each year and an extra dividend in kids.
Cheese As a Source of Income
A great many goat owners have failed to recognize the opportunity existing
to make additional money producing and selling goat cheese. Some of the
finest imported cheeses are made from goat milk. Tons of these cheeses are
coming into this country every year and finding a ready market. There is a
good market for domestic cheeses also, but the public must be taught the
value of good domestic goat cheeses. Among the cheeses made from goat
milk which are finding favor today are cottage, cream, Neufchatel, cheddar,
Roquefort, Swiss, Parmesan, and primost or brown whey cheese. Directions