Page 237 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 237
Those with Sears’ separators acknowledged they were good; the ones using
Ward’s were just as sure that theirs were the best. So he returned home
undecided, until his wife pointed out that Sears’ copy read “Guaranteed 255
lbs.” and Ward’s just said, “190 lbs.” Sears’ got the sale. As a matter of fact,
the lesser weight is an advantage, but the Ward advertising man had failed to
capitalize on the fact in the advertising copy.
Because mail-order copy sells “sight unseen,” you must be very careful to
have it cover every selling point, especially the appeals to the five senses. Let
us, for example, say that you are asked to write copy for a new velvet dress to
sell at $25. You might say, in the usual copy style:
What woman would not be delighted to appear in this beautiful velvet gown,
From a mail-order standpoint you would have overlooked many vital features
needed to close a sale. You have not said anything about the style, the use,
the comparative value, the kind of velvet, its wearing qualities, the
trimmings, whether suitable for misses or women, the colors, sizes,
approximate length and perhaps use. To be complete your copy should run
something like this:
What woman would not be delighted to appear in this lastminute model of
rich-looking silk chiffon velvet, smartly finished with three-quarter sleeves of
good-quality silk satin? Just the thing for afternoon or informal party wear.
The material will give you excellent wear and the price quoted represents
unusual value. Length: 40 to 44 inches, according to size. Women’s sizes: 34 to
44. CoLors: Navy blue, red and brown. Special Price, $25.
It does not appear difficult to write mail-order advertising for fashions,
furniture, or cream separators, but until you have had plenty of practice you
will be surprised how many essential features you will leave out of your
copy. This training is a great help in handling general advertising copy, for it
makes you careful to see that you do not overlook any points of selling value.
Your copy to retailers must naturally stress different points, but there are
certain essential elements that must not be overlooked. You must emphasize