Page 277 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 277
and all the boys’ parents and friends are invited to attend. Even the little
fellows are entered in the boxing contests and their skill is always a surprise
to the spectators. Naturally, this exhibit has a promotional value and results in
added names to the roster of the Boys’ Club.
This is an activity which any young man residing in a fairly prosperous
community can undertake if he has had some athletic training and knows how
to handle groups of boys. Young women can also handle similar groups of
girls. In this case, the athletic training would be in such sports as swimming,
diving, tennis, basket-ball, hiking and skating.
Meals for Dogs Is a Business Now
WIDE-AWAKE woman in New York has built up an unusual business
preparing meals for dog owners who do not have the time or do not want to
bother preparing food for their pets. This daily service to dog owners is
operated under the name of the Canine Catering Company. The business has
grown so rapidly that branches have been established in a half dozen near-by
towns as well as offices in Philadelphia and Washington. Businesses of this
nature have also thrived in Chicago and Los Angeles.
A business such as this can only be started in a community where there are
plenty of pure-bred dogs, whose owners have money enough not only to
purchase such dogs but to care for them properly. It naturally follows that
you must know something about diets for dogs, the quantity necessary for
daily feedings for the various breeds, and the costs of the foods that go into
the preparation of the meals. However, this information can be secured from
any good book on the care of dogs.
The only investment required is a light delivery truck which can be purchased
second hand for a few hundred dollars, and paid for on time. The rate being
charged for medium-sized breeds such as Airedales and Chows is 22 cents
for one diet and 20 cents for a second. On Friday each dog is served a fish
diet for which a charge of 14 cents is made. Meals for the smaller breeds such