Page 342 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 342


Always be on time. He learned this when, after watching a school fire from
twelve until three in the morning, he rushed home to develop his pictures and
got them to the Chronicle by four o’clock only to be told “Too late; we’ve
gone to press.”

Don’t be afraid to talk to people. He often hitch-hikes the nineteen miles
home from college because he likes to contact people and has had “lifts” in
everything from a Ford to a Packard. “It’s a swell way to learn human
nature,” he declares.

Be resourceful. Resourcefulness brought him his biggest thrill and a scoop.
At college one morning he heard that a “red” demonstration was to be staged
on the campus at high noon. What a chance for pictures! But, alas, his camera
was at home. Attending morning classes he wrestled with the problem of
getting those pictures and when the demonstration came off there was Rube
in the thick of it clicking away. He had borrowed the school camera. He
recorded the wild scene with eggs and tomatoes by the bushel flying through
the air hitting policemen and college dignitaries who were trying to quell the
disorder. Rube was the only photographer present and the rioters tried to
smash him and his camera but he got away and rushed down to the Chronicle
office. Other newspapers tried to buy his pictures but he wouldn’t sell and the
Chronicle was the only paper carrying photographs to accompany the big
headlined story.

Said Rube: “I just fought my way through the mob. Guess it was luck.”
Luck? Sounds more like pluck.

Making College Expenses with an IceCreamMachine


HEN Lucy Manners discovered that no arrangement had been made for
supplying ice cream to the girls in a camp where she was spending her
summer vacation from college, she bought a hand-operated ice cream
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