Page 503 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 503

House-to-house selling, 33, 36, 39, 45, 52, 55, 59, 64, 89, 97, 177
Household appliances, Rebuilt, 54
Housekeeping services, 269, 298
Ice cream machine pays college expenses, 293
Improvements on products
patentable, 139
Industrial uniforms, Selling, 60
Inn, Promoting an, 201
Insurance, Selling, 47
Invalid cookery, 280
Invalid wheel chairs, Making and selling, 102
Invalids, Reading to, 303
Inventions and patents, 137-151
Investment suggestions, 319-323
Ivory carving, 86
Jewelry sales by college students, 287
Jones, Milo, 196
Journalism-Students’ opportunities, 305
Knitted garments, Making, 104
Knitting instruction, 285
Laundering curtains, 279
Laundry agency, 284
Laundry promotion, 195
Laundry service for mothers, 257 Lingerie shop, 172
Location for a store, Choosing a, 164 Luncheons for school children, 249
MacDougall, Alice Foote, 24
Machinery servicing for factories, 224
Magazine shop, Second-hand, 174
Magazines, List of, 365-399
Mail, Selling by, 203-222
Mail-order advertising copy, 206, 217
Mail-order business, 203, 216, 219
Mailing list, How to build a, 191
Mailing list compiler, 283
Manicuring service, 281
Manufacturers of equipment and supplies, 341-359
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