Page 504 - One Thousand Ways to Make $1000
P. 504

Market survey raises church funds, 266
Market survey service for dealers, 265
Marketing handicrafts, 73, 82
Mending fluid, Selling, 46
Mending service, 282, 303
Men’s shirts, Selling, 65
Men’s shop, 179
Men’s suits, Selling, 36
Menu planning for restaurants, 245
Metal working projects, 104
Mile of pennies idea for charity, 312
Miniature antique furniture, 93
Mink ranching, 112
Model airplanes and parts business, 143
Money, Story of, 14
Money raising activities,307-317
“Morning Glory” tomato juice, 22
Moth tabs, Selling, 59
Moving picture shows, 242
Multigraph service, 284
Mushroom culture, 134
Music instruction, 280, 302
National Cash Register Company, 19 Nursery stock, Selling, 38
Nursing, Practical, 284
Oberammergau wood carvers, 71 Oilcloth handicraft projects, 103 Open-air
market, 201
Opportunities in business today, 11 Orders, Repeat, 205
Package delivery service, 229 Packaging, 198
Packing service, 284
Paper handicraft projects, 103 Patents, Cost of, 141
Patents and inventions, 137-143 Patents on improvements, 142 Patterson,
John H., 19
Peacocks, Raising, 123
Penney stores, J. C., 21
Peoples Drug Stores, 200
Pet shops, 129, 182, 183
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