Page 214 - Social Media Marketing
P. 214

c h a p t e r 7: ╇ F ive E ssential T ips╇ ■In addition, directly involved customers can become the core of your most ardent sup-
                       porters—or most vocal detractors.

                     —shown in Figure€7.4—offers T-shirts for sale. That sounds
                       simple enough, but Threadless does it one better. Rather than selling their designs (or
                       worse, designs that people could buy elsewhere), Threadless sells only the designs that
                       its own customers create.

                               The Threadless model works like this: People submit T-shirt designs, which are
                       then reviewed and put to public vote. The winning designs are produced and sold, and
                       the creators of the selected designs receive a cash reward as well as additional cash on
                       future reprints. Threadless customers—through collaboration with each other and
                       with the business itself—have a direct hand in shaping the product.


                         Figure€7.4╇â•C‰ ollaborative Design: Threadless
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