Page 210 - Social Media Marketing
P. 210

c h a p t e r 7: ╇ F ive E ssential T ips╇ ■188

                         Figure€7.3╇â•W‰ e’re Listening: Café Coffee Day

                      Start By Listening
                       So if avoidance of change is at the top of the “don’t do” list, what is the right thing to
                       do? Instead of avoiding change, develop a listening-based and policy-driven response
                       channel. Yes, social media can be tricky. And yes, conversations that you can’t control
                       can be a challenge. So, start by listening—actively listening. Begin collecting social
                       data, create a historical baseline, and use this to chart your way forward and to pull in
                       the rest of your team.

                                By establishing a solid baseline, for example, you set up robust measures of suc-
                       cess. That is always helpful. Second, you develop a sense of when conversational levels
                       or topics “aren’t right.” You can use this knowledge to trigger responses when situa-
                       tions that warrant a response arise.
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