Page 225 - Social Media Marketing
P. 225
Engagement on the
Social Web
“Engagement” takes on a new meaning on the 203
Social Web—or at least one that is different from
8 what is typically implied in a marketing con- ■ ╇ E ngagement on the S ocial W eb
text. This is because “engagement” on the Social
Web—like all other aspects of “social anything”—
is defined by participants rather than the creators
of a marketing message or software application. In
this context, the term “participant” means a cus-
tomer or stakeholder; the term “engagement” is
less about exposure and click-throughs, and instead
more about participation in activities that might be
described as “I’d actually spend all day doing this if
I could.” Getting engagement right is a key to get-
ting social technologies working for you.
Chapter Contents
Engagement as a Customer Activity
Engagement as a Business Activity
Putting Engagement into Practice