Page 304 - Social Media Marketing
P. 304

c h a p t e r 10 : ╇ S ocial O bjects╇ ■Whether you’ve built around a lifestyle, passion, or cause, or you have more
                       tightly defined your presence around a brand, product, or service; the payoff comes
                       when you tie your business into it by being relevant rather than being loud. Recall that
                       the Social Web is built around open and transparent participation. Leveraging a social
                       object is best done by operating from the perspective of a genuine participant rather
                       than assuming center stage as a contrived actor.

                    Drive Conversations and Connections

                       The most basic role of the social object is driving conversation. In the business appli-
                       cations discussed previously, the social object brings participants together based on
                       a common interest around which a conversation occurs. It also provides a relevant
                       context for a brand, product, or service. Pepsi’s The Juice program built around its low
                       calorie, all-natural Trop50 orange juice provides an example of the central role of the
                       conversation in a social setting, and the role of the social object—women’s health and
                       well-being—while clearly tying the customer and product together.
282 This clear connection is important: Recall that a basic fact of social media is
                       that in comparison with traditional media, it is harder to interrupt. This differentiator
                       plays out in two ways: First, because it is harder to interrupt the activities of partici-
                       pants directly—like the way you can interrupt a TV program with an ad or an online
                       page view with a pop-up—your activities with regard to your business objectives have
                       to have an obvious relevance. Otherwise, you’ll be ignored (best case) or asked to leave
                       (worst case). The Social Web isn’t a marketing venue, though it is a very powerful mar-
                       keting platform.

                                Second, because it is harder to interrupt (if not impossible), your message, your
                       value, and your contributions to the community must be delivered within the existing
                       conversation. In an analogy to TV, think about the difference between product adver-
                       tising on TV versus product placement within the TV program. In the case of product
                       advertising, there is a clear distinction between the program and the ad: In the case of
                       product placement, the product becomes part of the program.

                                Your participation in communities built with or around social objects is much
                       closer to the product placement model. While you cannot “buy placement” on the
                       Social Web, your participation needs to blend with its context in the same way that
                       effective product placement does, to be part of the community rather than an interrup-
                       tion, or called out with a “brought to you by” message placed alongside it. Note here
                       that “blend in” does not mean “hidden” and certainly does not mean “covert,” but
                       rather that as a transparent, disclosed participant, your message should be a natural
                       element of the surrounding conversation.

                                Beyond building conversations, social objects and your business relationship
                       to them provide the foundation of a strong connection to your audience in a branded
                       community or to the participants in or around a lifestyle, passion, or cause-based
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